Sunday, February 7, 2016

Greater Business Success with Effective Leadership and Pruning

Originally Posted October 28, 2013

Business leaders apply success principles daily that parallel gardening techniques, shown in this short video.
1.  Prune away distractions, empty activities and clutter from your daily routine.   This can include too much social media, texting, emails, gaming and of course, television programs.
Tomatoes grow more abundantly when the bottom leaves are pruned away, allowing nutrition from the soil to flow to the fruit.
2.  Fertilize your mind with daily positive input, such as meditations, leadership books, accountability partners.
3.  Weed out negative forces, such as colleagues who complain, blame and sulk.  Negative internet messages and tasks you don’t like to do or that others can do better.  Outsource your weaker activities and concentrate on what you do best.
4.  Create a positive, sunny environment.  Eliminate clutter and replace it with living plants, attractive posters and paintings, colorful walls, tidy desk and shelving.  Make your workspace a pleasant place to create and be productive.  Adopt a positive mindset, no matter the circumstances.
5.  Drink plenty of water, eat healthy nutrition and add optimal supplementation.  Just as plants thrive with sunshine, rain and nutrition added to the soil, business leaders need to be particularly proactive about all aspects of their health.
With all the great leadership principles in the corporate world, there comes a time when leaders want greater control over their lives as entrepreneurs, working from home.  Check out my five point system to experience great time and financial freedom:
Discover the Proven Five Step System That Allowed a Stressed Out Corporate Employee to Quit Her Job & Double Her Income in Less Than 14 Months Working From Home
Let’s hear more tips from you, for outstanding gardening/leadership tips leading to  greater success in business.
Deanna Waters

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