Sunday, February 7, 2016

Sleeping Beauty: Get Your ZZZ’s with Pure Rest

Fortunately, I’ve never had trouble sleeping. Reportedly, even as a child, my parents never had to fight me to go to bed. Instead, they’d often look around, wonder where I was, and find me snuggled up in my bed already.

Today is no different. I love sleeping and consider myself lucky because, usually, I have no troubles. Except on Sunday nights.PureRest_US_MG_0181_ko_FLAT-XL
I don’t know what it is about the end of the weekend, but I can never sleep. Do you have this problem too? Maybe it’s because I am so excited to come back to work at USANA on Monday! (Okay, probably not, but USANA is a pretty great place to work.)
My go-to solution is USANA’s Pure Rest.
Pure Rest is great for occasional sleeplessness. You simply take one of the orange-flavored dissolveable tablets an hour or so before bed. (I just take it when I go to bed — that way I’ll for sure be getting to sleep in an hour or so, if I don’t fall asleep sooner.) Pure Rest will augment your natural melatonin, which regulates your sleep cycle, to help your body know it’s time to shut ‘er down.*
Works like a charm every time.
sleeping girl
Sleep for Your Skin’s Happily Ever After.
On top of the fact that sleep is, like, the best.thing.ever, there are several reasons why you need to ensure you get at least 6 hours of good quality sleep. Your body repairs itself during sleep, so lack of it can be detrimental to your health. Lack of sleep has been tied to compromised immunity, weight gain, and all kinds of nastiness.
Recently, a new study gave us one more reason to focus on getting good-quality ZZZ’s. Researchers at University Hospitals Case Medical Center found that sleep quality impacts skin function and aging.
It’s the ugly truth — not only will you have bags under your eyes the day after too little sleep, you could literally be accelerating the appearance of aging. The study found that poor quality sleepers showed increased signs of intrinsic skin aging, including fine lines, uneven pigmentation, slackening of skin, and reduced elasticity.
As a woman in her late 30’s, I can tell you, these things are no fairy tale people! Go to bed.
If you get better quality sleep, your skin will be able to recover from the things that stress it out. Not to mention, you’ll be better able to deal with the things that stress you out too.
So, if you find that you’re having trouble getting to sleep, give Pure Rest a try before resorting to prescription sleep aids. You won’t get hooked on melatonin — it’s a natural hormone already in your body. And check out the chapter on the bedroom in The Healthy Home for more tips on getting better sleep.
Here’s a video that’ll get you started:
As if you needed any more reasons to take melatonin, check out the results of an interesting new study that explores the relationship between “beige fat” and melatonin.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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For further information:   Deanna Waters

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